Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting Started

I think I have just created a blog. The reason I say 'think' is that I am never sure of what I am doing on a computer. I am not even sure I will know how to get back to this sight once I try to post this blog. Well, this is my first posting and have to convince myself that it is not about ego, thinking it will be so great that others will wan to read it. I think my friends will and if it is any good maybe they will tell others about it. I think the main reason is because sometimes God gives me thoughts and ideas to play with and then turns them into blessings for others. Now that is not an egotistical statement, it is a statement of trust in God. My motto is 'honor God, bless others.' And I think that when you look at the essence of each religion they promote the same thing. The problem is that in each religion a few - or maybe more than a few- extremists using fear, hatred, and untruth, ruin the truth in that religion for all people. Well, I see I have already done what i feared I would do, well not so much feared as just knew I would do. I wasn't afraid of getting into religion, cause that's what I do, but my 'fear' was that I would ramble from one thing to another. That probably is why I chose Wanderings of MIne for the name of this blog sight. The reason for starting this blog now is that I am going on a sabbatical and I wanted to be able to share some of the things I was doing and the thoughts I was thinking with my parish and my friends. I view the sabbatical as a gift from my parish and I intend to honor it by relaxing, renewing, reflecting and reading. I think I will end for now and let this be the start of whatever happens. God bless you.


  1. I love your blog title. I'll enjoy "wandering" with you!

  2. I'm so glad you are doing this ... and yes, you do bless others with the thoughts God gives you!

  3. Honor God and Bless Others. What a great statement. If most people would pattern their lives after this statement, what a better world this would be. Loved reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. We will look forward to future postings. God bless you and know you are loved.

  4. I've always understood what you say and how you say it, and not just because you're my Dad, but because you have so much realness in what you say. I don't have to interpret what you say, I just get it. You have this wonderful gift of speaking to people where every person feels you're talking directly to them. I love sitting and laughing at your stories as if you were right next to me. I miss you, we all do
